Sunday, March 22, 2009


Scheduling has begun, and I, like all ambitious students, am planning on killing myself for 11th and 12th grade courses. :D
I'm looking forward to it!

Here is a tentative schedule:
11th grade:
AP Chem
AP Physics
AP US History
Honors English 3
Honors Pre-Calculus
German 3
Phys Ed

12th grade:
AP Bio
AP Euro History
AP Calculus AB
Honors English 4
Honors Organic Chemistry
Honors Anatomy
Honors Argument
Phys Ed

These are full and rigorous schedules (to say the least) and I really hope I can handle them!
All that is still up in the air is AP Physics in 11th (and my 12th grade schedule is prone to change after 11th grade). I might want to take Honors instead of AP physics because:
a) I haven't taken any physics before this
b) I would be taking 2 AP sciences in one year, which would make up to three periods of science a day.
c) I don't even plan on going into Physics (I want to be a doctor!)

Arguments for taking AP Physics are rather obvious:
a) AP weight
b) There's always the chance I like physics and want to take up a physics based career after taking the course, in which case AP would be more beneficial than honors.


*UPDATE: I do not like Physics. Chem is my favorite subject though!*


Matt G said...

dont take physics if you dont need it

Neel said...

I want to go to uPenn! = transcript matters!

Anonymous said...

colleges want well rounded people with ideas for their future. If you dont need it, dont take it. dont kill yourself with this, seriously.

Unknown said...

Look Neel, I'm commenting on your blog to help it not fail!

You and all your underclassman friends should realize that the SAT is a very important factor in admissions along with class schedule. Take a look at this:
This is how you score well.

Hassan said...

That looks very hefty, Neel! It looks like you're in for a bright future if you can handle them all then that truly is a commendable task. I highly recommend you take Argument, it's a fun class with Mr. Rhinehart (the only teacher you can have...he's a hoot...awesome teacher!) The subjects aren't the easiest and the details of the debate aren't just a one-day thing, you need research and the course becomes tougher as it goes on, but seeing how well you did in Forensics definitely tells me you'll do well in this class. Grading is easy although YOU DON'T ACTUALLY debate until the second quarter, you learn an extensive amount of terms and read a few manuals that he hands out. Testing is to a minimal, although you do have to write editorials and send them to publishers almost weekly (the only extra credit is for getting an article published...hey, USA Today published me! check it out:
but definitely take it, either year, although it'll probably be better on your schedule this (junior) year since your senior schedule looks tougher to me than does your junior one. I'm taking AP Bio next year if that makes a difference as to when you want to take it, but good luck and I wish you the best either way!